Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Where did you come from?

It is very easy to walk by an object you see just lying on the ground. An object left on the ground seems either unimportant or forgotten. No one would leave something on the ground that they really care about unless it was by mistake. And usually people do not intend to leave things on on the floor, because it is a place where things go that got ignored.

For the past few days I keep walking by an object that seems to have not moved at all. It is a cigarette lighter from a car, and it has been sitting on the curb in front of my apartment for days. The first time I saw it I wondered, that isn't from my car is it? (I actually checked just to make sure, and it wasn't). Then I started analyzing how it could have gotten there and why. My first thoughts were, it must have rolled out of some one's car floor. But then I thought, maybe it was not lost by a cigarette smoker who had used it. But maybe it was pushed by a dog who was riding in a car, and the driver accidentally burned themselves so they got mad and threw it out the window! Or perhaps a mother found out that her young daughter had been smoking so she wanted to get rid of all ways for enabling her to keep smoking. Whatever is the story behind it, today I ended the story by being a picking it up and simply putting in the dumpster.

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