Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween- A Holiday for All.

 I realized today (as I passed out candy to the two and only trick-or-treaters that stopped by) , that I have looked forward to this day as long as I can remember. It seems strange that a holiday can be enjoyable to just about any age. One minute you are only worried about the number of houses you can hit in one night to get as much candy as possible, and then a few years later you are worrying about how cute your costume to wear to a fraternity party is. Even when you grow out of both your trick-or-treating and college partying stages Halloween still seems enjoyable for those who are past that. My parents are empty nester's and they still enjoy passing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters.

I guess although our priorities move from candy to liquor and then back to candy that Halloween is a chance to toy with the "I wish I were ideas". And the best part is seeing what everyone is because you secretly know that at some point in their lives they have probably dreamed of being this.

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