Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Celebrity Obsession

I have to admit, I am one who has an iPhone application on my phone for People. I also follow people on Twitter such as E! News and Perez Hilton, along with numerous celebrities just to get the latest tweets from Hollywood. Although this is a guilty pleasure of mine, where do gossip sites, celebrity news channels, and paparazzi draw the line?

Although I do enjoy hearing about what brand celebrities are buying and which celebrities are secretly dating who, I do not need to know every detail of these people's lives. They must want to keep some things private, right? I could not imagine having the paparazzi swarm me every time I left my house or even stepped foot into public. It seems like some B-D List celebs try to go places that are paparazzi central to gain some more press exposure, yet how does someone like Brad Pitt even step foot in a grocery store without people and or paparazzi mobbing him? I think that our culture has gotten so celebrity obsessed, and it has gotten a little out of control. If someone like Kim Kardashian cannot even keep a boyfriend because she is always in the public eye, what is the world coming too? I think that people need to take a step back and try not to be so obsessed with people that they probably never never met before, nor will ever meet, It is unhealthy.

Kim Kardashian being swarmed by fans and paparazzi

Celebrity Obsessions-Destroying our Society

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