Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Social Network of Facebook

After seeing the Social Network this weekend, I have learned a lot more about something that is a routine part of my day-to-day life. Being a college student currently, Facebook came out when I was in high school. Although you had to have a college email to access it at first, it soon became available to high- schoolers, and can now be accessed by anyone who has an email address.

The idea, although seemingly simple, has proven to be revolutionary. A college student (along with the help of some other smart Harvard undergrads, who actually sue him in the film), came up with what has been a multi-billion dollar idea. Not only has Facebook been incredibly profitable, but it is something that will be written about in history books forever. People everywhere access Facebook at all times of the day, me being one of them. The term "Facebook me" has even been coined. This innovative website has been able to connect millions of friends and family all over the world. I really do not know what life would be like without it now. I get so much information from it, regarding activities, parties, and even basic knowledge of what is going on in my friends lives from it. And Facebook seems to be just the beginning. Twitter has recently exploded along with numerous other social websites. This is only the beginning.

The Social Network

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